Friday, September 6, 2013


In my opinion, everyone is a rebel. At some point in our lives we rebel and dont follow the rules we are given to follow. Just like Chris M. from Into The Wild. He left his life of rule and divorced his parents along with all their athority. He knew what he was doing and that what he was doing was excatlly what he wanted.
For another example of rebellion. Some say that church going people and their kids; preachers kids mostly. That they rebel when they get older. Tired of the same church going ways with forced religion. Wanting to leave and get away from their sheltered lives and find themselves with the things they really want to do. From the beginning of time people were considered rebels. Not conforming to society and not wanting to follow the rules that they'd find pointless or foolish. These people wanted to be considered avantgarde in the rule following world. They wanted to stand out and be known to the conformists.